Saturday, August 4

Other Minutia

Jimbo has taken on the task of photographing all the "Welcome to (Insert Your State Here)" signs (as you may have noticed from his earlier post). Today we got a bonus and a let down.

The bonus was that the unexpected venture to the Creation museum took us into the very northernmost tip of Kentucky so we got an extra sign.

The disappointment was that we never got welcomed into Illinois. There was a "Welcome to Chicago" sign that Jim refused to snap (on principle, I think) but the state of Illinois never welcomed us. I believe that you can hear us complaining about briefly on the audio podcast that Jim is putting up.

I have put Jim in charge of the media postings so don't expect any pictures, movies, or audio from me. I'll be contributing (most of the video will probably be me) but he'll do the editing and posting. Today we felt really technologically superior to almost everyone else on the road because, as I was driving, Jim was busily working on editing the new audio and video podcasts (expect them soon, if he hasn't posted them already).

Last thing that we wanted to mention was the strange things that we are overhearing as we sit here in the tent working on our laptops. There is a family two tents over and the kid, Kevin, is real loud and excitable. Not long ago we also hear weird moaning sounds and thought maybe that one of the kids was crying. Shortly thereafter we realized that the noises were actually coming from the tent next door and that they were not noises of displeasure coming from a child. There is clearly a couple next door having a grand old time.

Ah, the joys of camping.

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