Friday, August 3

And Away We Go...

Awesome first day.

Beautiful drive from Virginia to Cincinnati. We had super short, super intense rain shower for about fifteen minutes this afternoon but otherwise it was clear skies and clear sailing. There was almost no traffic. If only the whole trip would be this easy!

We saw what I believe is going to be the first of many small disappointing (for you) incredibles. Around noon we crested a hill in Maryland just before exit 33 on Rt. 68 and saw a sign for the Ark of Safety Church. There was a giant metal frame nearby with a sign that read "Noah's Ark Being Rebuilt Here." As I said, incredible. But we were past it too fast to snap a photo so you all don't get to see it.

We arrived at my aunt Karen's house here in Cincinnati about 6:30 and had a quick dinner (made and eaten in under half an hour!) then were whisked away to her Friday night Renaissance music practice. The small group of music lovers played for a couple of hours so we sat and relaxed on our first night to tunes from a couple of hundred years ago. The group consisted of four recorders, a flute, a bass viol, and a harpsichord. I love that there are places in our country where people just decide to get together on a Friday night and play Purcell in a friend's living room.

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