Saturday, August 4

An Aside

The Creation Museum (I can't stop thinking about it) was ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with dinosaurs. I can't really blame it. It's only a few years old. I was absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs until I was maybe twelve (maybe I still am a little), maybe it'll grow out of it soon.

One of the exciting things about going there, however, was learning about how dinosaurs and people lived together. They were all about it. There were more dinosaurs than in anything even vaguely religious ever before. Maybe to appeal to children, but more likely because dinosaurs are vital to their concepts. Right? No. Not really. We thought we'd learn all about the dynamics of the people-dinosaurs relationship, but mostly what they did was just show biblical scenes with dinosaurs lurking around near them. Also there were cave-people in the lobby, but they got no mention anywhere in the actual museum.

What we did learn about dinosaur-man coexistence were the simple basic facts: dinosaurs were all vegetarians until Adam sinned, at which point they got mad and ate people. They survived the Great Flood aboard the ark (except the ones who died, they made fossils), and somehow died out shortly thereafter. Presumably because they were bad sinners. They ate people. That's greed and gluttony and wrath. And it was probably spawned of pride and envy.

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