Friday, August 10

The last of the last for a couple of days

A few photos from the last few days to tide your desires until we return to civilization.

we eat at jitters
petrified wood for sale
prairie dogg 1

We'll be gone for a few days, but if you don't hear from us in over a week you should organize a search party because we've probably gone feral in Hell's Canyon.


Unknown said...

Hey, you're probably never going to get this now, but I'm in Oregon, and should still be there when you're there. I'm living in a town called Corvallis, which is close to I-5 a couple hours south of Portland. We should hang out. Email me: except... without the nospam. Don't spam me...

Charlie Hall said...

jim come to missouri. unless you've already passed by. in which case, i waved, i swear.

Jason Michelitch said...

I sure hope you guys aren't dead, because then Portland would really suck.